Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tips for rendering Overlays on Google map

If there are more than thousands of Overlays (Markers, Polylines and Polygons) to be displayed on a Google map it starts to get slow due to browser javascript performance and network throughput limits. To maintain high performance, you can use the following techniques

  • Only the overlays that are to be shown in the current map are sent to the browser from backend
  • If the map is panned or zoomed, only the differences to the visible set are sent
  • Polylines and Polygons are clipped to the visible rectangle so that only the visible parts of the lines are sent
  • At lower zoom levels
Cluster markers are used in place of actual markers
Polylines and Polygons are simplified to reduce the number of points
  • At even lower zoom levels, 256 x 256 tile images are generated with the marker images, polyline sand polygons drawn on them.
  • These tiles are cached on disk once generated.


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